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577 total results found
Alessandra 'Ale' Largo (yield-for-nothing)
Alessandra 'Ale' Largo setting: Repo! The Genetic Operafacecast: Amber Milam
Alexander Aniston (the-righteous)
Alexander Aniston is a human boy who travels from earth to Narnia in the AU Deep Magic setting, e...
Alexander Aniston-Martel (mercy-no-more)
Alexander Aniston-Martel is a Quileute shapeshifter. Adopted by a Lann and an Elia. Blood parent...
General Conventions
This is a list of conventions about organizing the wiki. These are subject to change, of course, ...
About Kaylin
Kaylin discovered glowfic in late 2016 and started writing it in early 2017. They live in England...
Michael Haldane | "Cat" (withoutaname)
Alanna of Trebond | "Alan" (courage-to-speak)
Circumstance alt of the main character from Tamora Pierce's "Song of the Lioness", but a trans gu...
Anakin Skywalker (stay-awake)
Anakin Skywalker (stay-awake) is a glowfic character in the Anakin (Decima) template, written by ...
About Anakin (Template)
Anakin The Anakin sub-template is part of the Fate template, the main template of Heartsbloods. ...
Deep Magic (setting)
Deep Magic
Servitor Link to the Google Doc on this setting.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
About Sage/Nemesis
Sage/Nemesis, a name which is often shortened to Sage, is a glowfic author. They made their accou...
Arcania Artefactum
Arcania Artefactum
Titan Fleet
Titan Fleet
Unnatural Disasters
Unnatural Disasters