
Canada is screwing the pooch with regards to the infertility crisis. Surrogacy is illegal for those under the age of 21, because we don’t want to coerce teenagers into doing things. Parents strongly frown on girls getting married until they’ve graduated college at least. Many families where the woman is fertile choose to have only one or two children. Surrogacy is so expensive that most infertile parents can only afford one child. You can have a full-time job as a surrogate.

One of the reasons Canada limits surrogacy so much is due to cultural trauma. Thousands of First Nations children were removed from their families and adopted out, often advertised on television. Many went to the States, particularly to Gileadite families. The scandals once this came out left Canada permanently leery of anything that smacks too much of baby-selling. 

Gilead takes in Canadian refugees who are desperate to have children and willing to mouth things about the evils of homosexuality. 

Canada feels very superior to Gilead.