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Reborn Gods
Reborn Gods
the water, not the waves
the water, not the waves
no knight in silver armor, shining
no knight in silver armor, shining
Amalia Sloane (drop-of-honey)
Amalia Sloane is a Blueblood, and the head of the Department of Acquisitions at Nest Corp in Sage...
Queen Beryl (malicious-heart)
Queen Beryl is a major antagonist in the setting Sailor Moon. Formerly an Earthling of the Silver...
Regina Sloane (mon-cher)
Regina Sloane is a vampire associate of Ethan Bryne in the setting Laiier, a co-operative setting...
Deep Magic (setting)
Deep Magic
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
do the gods light this fire in our hearts
do the gods light this fire in our hearts
Isabella Marie Swan (self_composed)
Isabella Marie Swan ✴ "Stella"
April (Earth instance)
Character page: April May Turnberry Notable threads: in that great journey of the stars throu...
April (Template)
Template page: April Author: Kappa Notable threads: in that great journey of the stars throu...