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Alek Starsinger (meant-to-keep)
Alek Starsinger is a fallen Jedi. Son of a Robert and a Lyanna. Younger brother to Jamis (Jamie) ...
Alek Theobald (own-salvation)
Alek Theobald is a very new Eidolon. Chose to descend to hell fearing his older brother might be ...
Alesin Aradin (st-elmo's-fire)
Alesin Aradin is a Grey, Mika's twin, Gemini. Aradin means 'defender', and is a security job name...
Aleeka Storm-Heart (song-of-praise)
Aleeka Storm-Heart is the daughter of Ragnar the Red (Robert) and Linnea the Shieldmaiden (Lyanna...
Alesin Tivan (devoid-of-colour)
Alesin Tivan: Grey, Mika's twin, separated at birth and raised by blue father and step mother wit...
Alessa Cousland (off-my-back)
Alessa Cousland is a human noble and warrior, and a Grey Warden. setting: Dragon Agefacecast: Am...
Alessandra 'Ale' Largo (yield-for-nothing)
Alessandra 'Ale' Largo setting: Repo! The Genetic Operafacecast: Amber Milam
Alexander Aniston (the-righteous)
Alexander Aniston is a human boy who travels from earth to Narnia in the AU Deep Magic setting, e...
Alexander Aniston-Martel (mercy-no-more)
Alexander Aniston-Martel is a Quileute shapeshifter. Adopted by a Lann and an Elia. Blood parent...
Aleksei Baratheon (ours-is-the-fury)
Aleksei Baratheon is the fourth (first) child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister...
Alex Ships
Alex/Jamie Alex/Clary Alex/Jamie/Clary Alex/Sera Alex/Sera/Jamie
Anakin Skywalker (stay-awake)
Anakin Skywalker (stay-awake) is a glowfic character in the Anakin (Decima) template, written by ...
Kairda be-Ama de-Kator
Setting: Amenta General information: Kairda is a Voan purple who blogs and writes stories under...
Karen Teller (huddled-masses)
Setting: Sunnyverse General information: Karen is working for Wolfram & Hart, a law firm th...
About Alphabet Soup (template)
Alphabet Soup (or just Soup, frequently) is an original template by Blazing Darkness. She is bas...
About Cats
Cat is the most-glowficced Kaylin template. Clusters In approximate order from most to least c...
Alanna of Trebond | "Alan" (courage-to-speak)
Circumstance alt of the main character from Tamora Pierce's "Song of the Lioness", but a trans gu...
Michael Haldane | "Cat" (withoutaname)
Jacob Hyland (captain-of-my-soul)
Jacob is the captain of the Covenant, an aethership bonded to his life-force. Setting: Horizons...
Amalia (pretty-little-thing)
Amalia Sloane is queen of the northern court of vampires in New York City in Sage/Nemesis' settin...