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Tags: genre
This is a list of conventions specific to the genre tag, including a list of in-use or suggested ...
General Conventions
This is a list of conventions about organizing the wiki. These are subject to change, of course, ...
Link Settings: DSMP, Scholomance Main templates: DSMP characters Prerequisites: none Warnings...
Swimmer963's medianverse, characterized by most people having multiple personalities, which can b...
Ozytopia (Teachingverse)
Westwind's medianverse. This setting was first introduced on their blog as an April Fool's day p...
Alien Fiction Review Threads
A recent trend (as of May 2022) on the Constellation has been for people to write threads in whic...
Selftopias (Trend)
A self topia (selftopia, self world, author world, etc) is roughly speaking a setting centered ar...
Interdimensional Summit Threads
There have been several threads depicting interdimensional diplomatic summits between various sel...
About Decima
Decima is a glowfic author. Notably, she is the headmate of ChaosMagic. She made her account in J...
to face the death you're never that far from
dath ilani Celegorm is Merrin's patient Link Author Swimmer963 Thread Description Merrin wor...
CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE CONTINUITY we know we once were gods age of lost omens, page 59: "s...
Star Wars Peal (Fulmination)
This is a single page for the assorted Fulmination Star Wars AUs, especially the ones that are pa...
People born on the same day of the year in Astrocracy belong to the same template. The local name...
Geography, Countries, and Culture
The world is flat. It looks like this: Roman Empire The Roman Empire is locat...
Stars, magic, and other bullshit
Stars Stars are dead people. They influence things in magic ways, and all the other magic was ma...
Cosmology, physics, biology, etc
Physics The world is flat, specifically an infinitely tall cylinder with a flat top. The sun and...
Some cats in Astrocracy have become sapient, because someone experimented with some magic catnip....
Jiang Cheng
Setting: The Untamed Species: Human Cultivator Facecast: Wang Zhuocheng This page is specific...
About eusocia
eusocia ( marr ) is a glowfic author. ( It can be described with any pronouns or gendered terms; ...