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Rescues and Rescues
Rescue and Lurker Link Authors Adelene Thread Description Rescue is rescued by Lurker the Ko...
Have You Heard?
Rescue in Valinor Link Authors Adelene, lintamande Thread Description Rescue in Valinor ...
but hurting people is wrong
Thellim in Eclipse Link Authors Alicorn, Iarwain Thread Description Thellim in Eclipse St...
a dath ilani matchmaker in King Randale's court
Thellim in Velgarth Link Authors Alicorn, Iarwain Thread Description I didn't think anthropi...
Desperate Measures
Sequel/offshoot from "much of the world is lawless and cruel" Link Authors apprenticebard, lin...
Why would I go anywhere else?
An Adarin lands on a sleeping Kithabel Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Description St...
break my shackles to set me free
Cheliax invades Iftel and Leareth gets captured Link Authors Swimmer963, lintamande Thread De...
necessities are free
Kyeo and Carissa, i.e.: if you're from Space North Korea and I'm from the land of Lawful Evil the...
free will was a mistake
Carissa lands on Kith, a world where you can create people to specification Link Authors Alico...
the problem of evil
Leareth and Gileadite Lev Link Authors westwind, Swimmer963 Thread Description Status: on ...
God and sinners reconciled
Bensaylum EmilEdie meets various Gileadites Link Authors MaggieoftheOwls, westwind, apprentice...
cleanliness is next to godliness
Gileadites meet Amentans in Milliways Link Authors Alicorn, westwind Thread Description Amen...
the oceans had your eyes
Amentans and mermaids Link Authors Alicorn, MaggieoftheOwls Thread Description Amenta meets ...
In a storm in my best dress
Jinx and Aitim Link Authors lintamande, Evenstar Thread Description Blue Jinx annoys Feanori...
like a thief in the day
The Bell from Cosel (Maurabel) and her elemental friend Penumbra land on Amenta Link Authors A...
Link Settings: many Main templates: Bell, Maitimo, Curufin, Fëanorians Prerequisites: Silma...
I've got a list of names
Post in color, Amentans run into Hazel (1800s Potterverse) Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande T...
in color
Fëanorian Amentans try to fix their world. Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Descriptio...
About Sadde
About Bells
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