Author Opt Ins

This is meant to serve as a list of authors who've opted in to having their content included on the wiki, who have declined to have their content included, or who have more complicated preferences than a flat "opt in/ opt out".

Opted in Authors:

  • Adelene (no restrictions)
  • Aestrix (anything public is fine without asking, anything on an access list, please ask before wiki'ing)
  • Alicorn
  • AndaisQ (prefer to be notified but don't have to ask)
  • Anya (just ask before wiki'ing nsfw or access listed content)
  • apprenticebard (public stuff is ok)
  • argona (just let me know please)
  • Blazing Darkness / Blazer
  • ChaosMagic (ask me first) (co-authors don't need to ask for public sfw threads they're in) (do not have to ask to add my stuff to lists, recommendations, etc- "ask first" only applies to things like character pages where I might be already working on them, mostly as a coordination step)
  • Decima (ask me first) (same preferences as ChaosMagic)
  • Diaeresis (has given permission to some coauthors; presumably ask first for rest)
  • Diagrapher (no restrictions)
  • eusocia (no restrictions; everything encouraged)
  • Evenstar (Public only)
  • Faceless/Curious Discoverer (anything that is public is fine)
  • Grace / sphinx (but ask first please)
  • hearts (anyone can wiki my threads and is in fact encouraged to)
  • Iarwain
  • Jarnvidr
  • Jirachi (Public only) 
  • Kappa (ask first please)
  • Kaylin (ask first except for threads where you're a coauthor)
  • lintamande (anyone I haven't blocked is welcome to add any of my content)
  • Lotus (go wild)
  • MaggieoftheOwls (anything public is fine, anything constellation-only ask first)
  • Marri (anything public assuming coauthor is also okay with it)
  • Neva (at the moment ask first)
  • NormalAnomaly (anything that's public is fine)
  • Red
  • root (ask first for threads with an access list of <10 people; anything else is fine)
  • Rotifer (anything that's public is fine)
  • Sage/Nemesis (just check my co-authors' preferences for any restrictions)
  • square/strictlyquadrilateral (anything that's public is fine)
  • st753m (anything that's public is fine)
  • swimmer (ok with public stuff being added if coauthors also are)
  • Tregiah (ask first - if it's public, it's likely to be a yes, but I'd still like to be aware)
  • Unbitwise (please do not duplicate Constellation info such as setting descriptions, but all indexing/cataloging/cross-referencing is fine)
  • westwind (ask first please)
  • WolffyLuna (if the thread is public and the other author is okay with it)