About Jalex




Vivamus sagittis ultrices tellus, ac tristique mi pharetra vel. Etiam auctor justo at sollicitudin molestie. Vestibulum maximus elementum dapibus. Curabitur vestibulum nunc sem, vitae maximus massa ultricies sed. Pellentesque luctus dictum iaculis. Cras sit amet tincidunt turpis. Morbi id ante ac nunc tincidunt placerat ac in lorem. Curabitur sed ligula ut quam porttitor porta in sit amet orci. Phasellus elementum sem vitae tempor egestas.



Originated as a template mix of Alex and Jamie, inspired by a facecast Anya suggested for the former. Jalex is definitely no longer just that now, having his own unique motives, attractors, and relationships. Some inspiration was taken from the character his facecast plays - Enzo from Plush, which is not a movie I wholeheartedly recommend but was definitely entertaining.  

Notable members include Jack Spade (hungry-eyes) from Twilight, Jackie Spade (looking-for-something) from CuriousDiscoverer's Elsewhere setting, and Jackal (walks-with-death), or Jacques Cavalier, from Beltane. The original instance was Enzo (ready-to-feed), who is unthreaded as of yet but belongs to the Refraindre setting.


Name Attractors

First name attractor is variations on Jack, last name attractor is either Spade, or defaults to his associated Dino's last name if there is one. He might also simply be called what he is - Raven, Jackal, etc.



  • Possession and to a lesser extent other mind powers
  • Cannibalism and/or blood-drinking
  • Being undead
  • Being unembodied
  • Shapeshifting, particularly into jackals or ravens
  • Gaining his powers in some way related to Das


Associated Characters

Vivids, by Sage/Nemesis:
  • Dino: possessee, sometimes twin brother, lover, victim, accomplice. 
  • Das: boss, leader, captor, object of fascination, sometimes also lover but it's not a romantic thing.
Storms, by Anya:
  • Clary: lover, soulmate. "My love language is feeding you the hearts of our enemies".