Compersive aesthete with weird intimacy stuff. Goes by a short form of an unusual first name, which she doesn't give out readily.
Bea Karimi (just-enjoy-ourselves)
Miranda setting instance; a Companion; circumstance alt of Inara Serra
Lacey Stevens (thicker-than-water)
Haemokinetic (personal only) X-Men mutant
Siva Jialo (subtler-power)
Lacey instance from Swansong. Later ends up in Nuime and becomes a soulbearer, acquiring the soul...
Lacey Williams (your-agony-my-ecstasy)
Sunnyverse instance. Slayer-turned-vampire. Eventually gets her soul back, in theory. Unthreaded.
Carillons Lacey. A Siren, a species with wings and magic voices. Associated with Aduva and Amalta...