For threads without their own continuity. Related sandboxes can be grouped into chapters.
Amentan sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, lintamande, apprenticebard, Kappa, Evenstar, Red, MaggieoftheOwls
in color
Fëanorian Amentans try to fix their world. Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Descriptio...
I've got a list of names
Post in color, Amentans run into Hazel (1800s Potterverse) Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande T...
like a thief in the day
The Bell from Cosel (Maurabel) and her elemental friend Penumbra land on Amenta Link Authors A...
Constant as the seasons
Amentan Imrainai and Duane Link Authors apprenticebard, Kappa Thread Description in which we...
In a storm in my best dress
Jinx and Aitim Link Authors lintamande, Evenstar Thread Description Blue Jinx annoys Feanori...
sink or swim
Amentan Bell and Sadde Link Authors Alicorn, Red Thread Description pelape and sahde Stat...
the oceans had your eyes
Amentans and mermaids Link Authors Alicorn, MaggieoftheOwls Thread Description Amenta meets ...
Cascadia sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, westwind, apprenticebard, MaggieoftheOwls
cleanliness is next to godliness
Gileadites meet Amentans in Milliways Link Authors Alicorn, westwind Thread Description Amen...
is there no balm in gilead?
Imrainai is a Gileadite Handmaid Link Authors apprenticebard, westwind Thread Description Im...
fred steals a baby
Gileadite Imrainai and Fred Link Authors apprenticebard, westwind Thread Description the bab...
God and sinners reconciled
Bensaylum EmilEdie meets various Gileadites Link Authors MaggieoftheOwls, westwind, apprentice...
the problem of evil
Leareth and Gileadite Lev Link Authors westwind, Swimmer963 Thread Description Status: on ...
Cheliax (Golarion) sandboxes
Authors: lintamande, Alicorn, swimmer963
free will was a mistake
Carissa lands on Kith, a world where you can create people to specification Link Authors Alico...
necessities are free
Kyeo and Carissa, i.e.: if you're from Space North Korea and I'm from the land of Lawful Evil the...
break my shackles to set me free
Cheliax invades Iftel and Leareth gets captured Link Authors Swimmer963, lintamande Thread De...
dath ilani sandboxes
Authors: Iarwain, Alicorn, lintamande, Swimmer963
a dath ilani matchmaker in King Randale's court
Thellim in Velgarth Link Authors Alicorn, Iarwain Thread Description I didn't think anthropi...
but hurting people is wrong
Thellim in Eclipse Link Authors Alicorn, Iarwain Thread Description Thellim in Eclipse St...
a dath ilani EMT in queen abrogail's court
Merrin in Cheliax Link Authors Swimmer963, Iarwain Thread Description wherein Merrin is drop...
to face the death you're never that far from
dath ilani Celegorm is Merrin's patient Link Author Swimmer963 Thread Description Merrin wor...
Dusk sandboxes
Authors: Adelene, lintamande
Effulgence sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, Kappa, MaggieoftheOwls, andaisq
break room repair world
An angel Bell (Tab) is withdrawn from the breakroom vending machine Link Authors Alicorn, Magg...
it's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood
Lindworm Joker in the Mysterious Old Lady setting Link Authors Alicorn, Kappa Thread Descript...
in spite of a nail
Juliet (Bell) and vampire Sherlock AU meetcute, sort of Link Authors Alicorn, Kappa Thread De...
wait'll i tell sally about this one
Never (Dresden Files) Ari meets Rapunzel/Claribel in Milliways Link Authors Alicorn, andaisq ...
aesthetically displeasing
Ari meets the admin Link Authors Alicorn, andaisq Thread Description Status: abandoned ...
Fastfairy sandboxes
Authors: apprenticebard, lintamande, Alicorn
you were kind to something once
Catherine (Imrainai) meets fastfairy Celegorm Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamande Thread ...
some only had hearts that were brave and true
Moonlight Falls Karen (Imrainai) and fastfairy Celegorm Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamand...
choose wisely
Promise and fastfairies Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Description a guide to fairi...
Incandescence sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, Aestrix
Why would I go anywhere else?
An Adarin lands on a sleeping Kithabel Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Description St...
might have beens
Elspeth and Adarin meet in Milliways Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Description Stat...
The multiverse is an open door
Shell Bell lands on Edarial (Adarin from Hex) Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Descriptio...
in a holding pattern
Shell Bell meets Lynn (Kystle) in Milliways Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Description ...
Mad Science sandboxes
Authors: Unbitwise, WolffyLuna, root
MDZS/The Untamed sandboxes
Authors: argona, MaggieoftheOwls, SparrowSea, st753m, Alicorn, westwind, NormalAnomaly
making room for new regrets
Nie Huaisang, Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng, and Wen Ning peggy sue back to the start of the Lan summer...
within the soul you've stowed away
Characters from the Daémon Fleet are dropped on The Untamed. Thread
I know how long the night is
Wei Wuxian peggy sues from his death to right before Indoctrination in The Untamed. Link Author...
is he alive or dead
More Lan Wangji peggy sue, set in MDZS canon. Link Authors argona, MaggieoftheOwls Thread Des...
one of us is going to leave here bleeding
Mini-peal with st753m's future Jiang Cheng (choose-to-offend) crashing on is he alive or dead. L...
never too far to look back
Link Author st753m, argona Thread Description More time travel with Lan Wangji and Jiang Chen...
come to gusu
Eclipse Bell in MDZS Link Authors Alicorn, MaggieoftheOwls Thread Description eclipse bell i...
they forgot to say no railguns
Wei Wuxian and Brenda Banner are high school classmates in a modern AU Link Authors westwind, ...
the regional water department is being run by a thirteen-year-old
The non-cultivator Emperor of China gets some weird reports about what the cultivators are up to ...
Miscellaneous Imrainai sandboxes
apprenticebard, Alicorn, lintamande, root, westwind
you can't warm the stars with your hands
Alteriverse (humans enslaved by aliens setting) Imrainai lands on Sanity Arda Link Authors app...
what you are in the dark
Vamprainai and Z Link Authors apprenticebard, root Thread Description in which vampire imrai...
jealous is the night when the morning comes
Vamprainai's Ves summons Demon Cam Link Authors apprenticebard, Alicorn Thread Description s...
and a little child shall lead them
Imrainai and Ves in Bliss Stage Link Authors westwind, apprenticebard Thread Description ves...
people being fundamentally people
Good Omens Lev and Imrainai Link Authors westwind, apprenticebard Thread Description lev and...
every breath you take
Daevinity Imrainai summons Demon Cam Link Authors Alicorn, apprenticebard Thread Description...
Miscellaneous Lev sandboxes
Authors: westwind, Alicorn, hearts
Osirion (Golarion) sandboxes
Authors: apprenticebard, lintamande
ask yourself if you could have predicted this
Aria (Imrainai) meets Osirian Fëanorians. The first Golarion thread. Worth reading before any oth...
The universe is not friendly to human concerns
Sequel to "ask yourself if you could have predicted this" Link Authors apprenticebard, lintama...
baubles and bangles
Osirian Isama and Caranthir (Ismat and Merenre) Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamande Threa...
Osirian Rebecca and Macalaure (Rabiah and Masaharta) Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamande ...
raises some questions for gary gygax
The Osirian adventuring party land on "with the time that is given us" characters Link Authors ...
much of the world is lawless and cruel
The Osirian adventuring party kidnaps Korva (Chelish Imrainai) and Zara (Chelish Ves) Link Auth...
Desperate Measures
Sequel/offshoot from "much of the world is lawless and cruel" Link Authors apprenticebard, lin...
Promise sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, Aestrix, andaisq, Kappa
repeat after me
Promise (fairy Bell) meets Darren and Savannah Link Authors Alicorn, Aestrix Thread Descripti...
where the hell am i
Ari meets Promise (fairy Bell) Link Authors Alicorn, andaisq Thread Description Status: co...
mortal is as mortal does
the keeper meets Promise (fairy Bell) Link Authors Alicorn, Kappa Thread Description Statu...
blood sweat tear
Promise lands in Effulgence Sunnydale Link Authors Alicorn, Kappa Thread Description Promise...
rip tear shred
Jenny and Promise Link Authors Alicorn, Marri Thread Description Status: on hiatus Prer...
into the woods
Emma and Promise Link Authors Alicorn, Marri Thread Description Status: on hiatus Prere...
Scholomance sandboxes
Authors: lintamande, Alicorn, Red, AndaisQ
Silmaril sandboxes
Authors: Alicorn, lintamande, Swimmer963
as if you were blind
Corbelan and Sunlight AU Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Description au Statu...
every imperfection is a lie
Angband Kib and Leareth Link Authors Alicorn, Swimmer963 Thread Description mid-Angband Kib ...
don't touch me
Promise and Maedhros Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Description Status: complet...
with the time that is given us sandboxes
Authors: apprenticebard, lintamande, Alicorn
bro you need to stop summoning demons in the frat house
Demon Cam gets summoned Link Authors Alicorn, lintamande Thread Description this just happe...
tough guy talk
Slayer Karen gets sent back in time Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamande Thread Descriptio...
while there's still evil afoot
Slayer Karen and co get dumped on an Arda Link Authors apprenticebard, lintamande Thread Desc...
anyone who says differently is selling something
MLM Karen meets Sunnyverse Feanorians (sequel-ish thing to evil afoot) Link Authors apprentice...
give me the wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Evil law firm Karen meets Sunnyverse Feanorians (alternate sequel-ish thing to evil afoot) Link ...
most foolish of all
crossover-ish thing between wretched refuse and you were kind to something once Link Authors a...
Velgarth sandboxes
Authors: swimmer963, Alicorn, westwind, lintamande
Tarinda lands on Velgarth Link Authors Alicorn, Swimmer963 Thread Description Tarinda in Vel...
escape this
Promise (fairy Bell) lands in Velgarth Link Authors Alicorn, Swimmer963 Thread Description ...
lost centuries one broken earth
Native Lev in Velgarth Link Authors westwind, Swimmer963 Thread Description lev and leareth ...
you never know when temperamental weather's gonna come
Duke Valdemar and a Carissa in the Eastern Empire Link Authors lintamande, Swimmer963 Thread ...
hard to look right at you
Harry, Ron, and Hermione summon Demon Cam Link Authors Alicorn, NormalAnomaly Thread Descrip...
team tyler's van
Isekai Bell thread Link Authors Alicorn, Iarwain Thread Description Isabella Swan is a high ...